Stroboscope for Flexo and Rotogravure Printing Machines

A stroboscope is a must-have tool for Flexo and Rotogravure Printing Machines. It is used for inspecting the printing process and ensuring quality print output. A stroboscope is a device that emits a series of flashing lights at a specific frequency. When pointed at a moving object, the flashing lights create an illusion of slow motion, allowing operators to inspect the printing process in great detail. The stroboscope is typically used to inspect the alignment of the printing cylinders, as well as the overall quality of the print output. By using the stroboscope, operators can identify any issues or defects in the printing process and make necessary adjustments to ensure a high-quality print output. There are a few different types of stroboscopes available on the market, with different features and capabilities. Some stroboscopes are handheld, while others are mounted directly onto the printing machine. There are also digital stroboscopes that offer advanced features such as adj...